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125/3/14금요일 My ChemNet
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  • CompuSmart Relative Atomic Masses of Chemical  An on-line table of relative atomic masses of the chemical elements.

  • Acid-Base Indicators  A table of properties (pH range, pKa, acid form, base form) of aqueous acid-base indicators such as thymol blue, methyl orange, phenol red, phenolphthalein, indigo carmine etc.

  • CompuSmart Organic Chemistry  An on-line introduction to Organic Chemistry that includes the following sections: Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes, Halogens as Functional Groups, Sulphur Functional Groups, Heterocyclic Organic Compounds etc.

  • CompuSmart Introduction to Chemistry  An on-line introduction to Chemistry with the following sections: Conceptual Introduction to Chemistry, Historical Introduction to Chemistry, Units and Measurement, Mathematical Background for Chemistry.

  • CompuSmart Inorganic Chemistry  An on-line resource dealing with Inorganic Chemistry of hydrogen, oxygen, halogens, nitrogen, main-group metals, transition metals and industrial chemistry.

  • CompuSmart Gas-Phase Equilibrium Constant  An on-line table of selected gas-phase equilibrium constants at 25 celcius.

  • CompuSmart Electrochemistry  A comprehensive on-line resource on electrochemistry including the following sections: Electrochemical Terms and Concepts, Electrochemical Reactions and Cells, The Nernst Equation, Ions in Solution etc.

  • CompuSmart Chemical Thermodynamics  A comprehensive on-line resource on Chemical Thermodynamic including the following sections: Terms and Concepts of Thermodynamics, Heat and Enthalpy, Entropy, Free Energy and Chemical Equilibrium.

  • CompuSmart Chemical Stoichiometry CAnada  A comprehensive on-line tutorial on Chemical Stoichiometry with exercises and their solutions.

  • CompuSmart Chemical Kinetics & Rxn Mechanism  A comprehensive tutorial on Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Mechanisms.

  • CompuSmart Chemical Equilibrium  A comprehensive on-line tutorial on Chemical Equilibrium containing the following sections: Equilibrium Constants, Gas-Phase Equilibria, Acid-Base Equilibria, Solubility Equilibria, Ion-Association Equilibria.

  • Atomic, molecular, and formula masses  A hyperlinked tutorial introducing atomic and molecular mass which includes simple demonstrations and experiments.

  • Thermodynamics Properties of Mineral Database  Database providing various thermodynamic data (enthalpy of formation, entropy, molar volume, heat capacity coefficients, transition temperature, etc. ) for different minerals.

  • The Genome Database  At present the database comprises descriptions of Regions, Maps, and Variations in the human genome

  • Nissei Sangyo Canada Tables of SEM Specimen Charg  Tables of SEM Specimen Charging Threshold Energies of Polymers and Semiconductor Materials. Presented as a GIF image.

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