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  • Diffchamb  A public company specialized in the development and application of rapid and time-saving methods in food analysis.

  • Diamyd Medical AB  Diamyd Medical AB (former BioSyn Holding AB) is, through its subsidiary Diamyd Therapeutics, developing a glutamic acid decarboxylase (rhGAD65) - based vaccine, Diamyd, for Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM).

  • Diabact  A privately owned company which develops, manufactures, documents and registers new drugs and new dosage forms,our goal is to take pharmaceutical ideas and technologies C our own and others, in their infancy.

  • Conpharm  The company develops and markets, through licensees, pharmaceutical products based on substances extracted from the Podophyllum plant. These substances affect the immunological system and influence viral development.

  • CMA Microdialysis  A Swedish company devoted to the development, manufacturing and marketing of the microdialysis technique.

  • Casco Products  Casco Products carries out industrial operations on a global scale in the fields of impregnated papers, adhesives, and expandable microspheres.

  • Carlfors Bruk  We produce aluminium powder for the lightweight concrete industry and aluminium paste for the paint and printing ink industry.

  • Bycosin  We provide products that solve a wide range of problems related to oil storage, fuel instability, combustion, corrosion and deposits.

  • Bostik Findley  Specializes in adhesives for floor and wall.

  • BioStratum  The Company' s research has identified new therapeutic targets and drug candidates for preventing or treating kidney disease, cancer, and autoimmune diseases.

  • BioNative  A pharmaceutical biotech company with 40 employees, focused on pre-clinical and clinical activities in the field of virology, oncology, haematology and cell- and molecular biology.

  • Askania  We manufacture and market industrial sand, minerals and chemicals, waterglass and products for purification of water, air and gas along with a variety of other raw materials.

  • Alufluor  One of the the world' s leading producers and suppliers of aluminium fluoride for the primary aluminium smelters.

  • Allergon  Allergon AB is the world’s leading supplier of allergens, which are used for the diagnosis and treatment of allergies. Also it is the producer of precious yellow raw material for both allergens and extracts.

  • Alcro-Beckers  Alcro-Beckers is the leading paint manufacturer in the Nordic countries and Baltic states. The company also conducts operations in many other European countries.

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