- CPC Program Library
CPC Program Library containing over 1700 refereed programs in computational and chemistry physics which are described in the Elsevier Science journal Computer Physics Communications.
- Cherwell Scientific Publishing
Develops and markets innovative software products and services for researchers in chemistry, genetics and the environmental and biomedical sciences.
- TINKER Molecular Modeling Package United States Technical Info
TINKER is a freeware general molecular modeling package available for different platforms (Windows, Linux, etc.). The software comprises molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics and has some special features for proteins modeling.
- Star-CD
Computational Dynamics Ltd.
- Com: Molecular Modeling
Molecular modeling softwares to buy from SciStore.Com. Complete scientific software catalog featuring popular titles at discount pricing.
- Process Systems Enterprise
PSE is an innovative company focused on delivering advanced modeling technology and services to the process industry.
- Process Software Solutions
Process Software Solutions is an association of highly experienced professional engineers and scientists who specialize in providing software solutions to the oil, gas, processing and engineering industries.
- BioFocus
BioFocus offers a wide range of quality chemistry outsourcing solutions for new molecule discovery in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, biotechnology and related industries.
- FDS Advanced Systems
Planet G5 is a Maintenance software system that enables you to maximise the utilisation of production plant and process through effective maintenance and resource management.
- Dazdaq - software for microplate readers
Developers of specialist software for use with microplate reading, tube reading technology. For end users and as OEMs for manufacturers of instrumentation.
- ACM Instruments
Manufacturer of potentiostat and software to control Potenmtiostat / Corrosion Monitoring Systems.
- Chemware
Documentation & Labelling Software Specialists For The Chemical & Related Industries.
- Cape Software
Control software testing and operator training simulator software and services. Simulators can be tailored to individual companies requirements increasing simplicity and bringing down costs.
- Alias Limited
If you are searching for piping isometric software solutions: then look no further - you' ve arrived at the Alias Limited web site - the home of pipe isometrics!
- University of Mauritius
Department of Chemistry
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