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  • Chemometrics Group  Chemometrics group of the UK' s Royal Society of Chemistry

  • Beginner's Guide to Molecular Biology  Guide to molecular biology with emphasis on the structures and functions of DNA, RNA and proteins.

  • Chemical Structure Association Trust  The Trust is an internationally recognised, registered charity which promotes education, research and development in the field of storage, processing and retrieval of information about chemical structures, reactions and compounds.

  • Chemical Information Group  The Group aims to keep users of chemical information aware of activities, services, and developments in a rapidly changing area.

  • Chemical Industries Association  The site provides information about the services and activities of the Chemical Industries Association and the benefits of membership.

  • Chemical and Industrial Consul  CICA is a group of independent consultants specializing in the application of chemistry in industry.

  • Chemical & Industrial Consultants Association  The CICA web site provides details for a group of consultants specialising in the application of chemistry in industry.

  • Cesone  Capillary Electrophoresis and related microscale analytical techniques.

  • British Zeolite Association  Provides a forum where all those involved in zeolite science could meet to review and share their latest findings.

  • British Standards Institution  Independent of government, industry and trade associations BSI is a non-profit distributing organisation. BSI is globally recognised as an independent and impartial body serving both the private and public sectors.

  • British Pump Manufacturers` Association  BPMA is the UK Trade Association representing the interests of the UK manufacturers of Liquid Pumps. The website gives information about its members and association activities.

  • British Plastics Federation  The BPF' s recently redesigned website features easier navigation, and introduces the main activities and structures of the Federation, as well as providing information on a range of topical issues.

  • British National Formulary  British National Formulary provides clinical information on drugs, etc. to healthcare and pharma professionals.

  • British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing  The British Institute of NDT is the professional institute for all those engaged in non-destructive testing and condition monitoring. It is concerned with the education and training of its members, and the advancement of the science and prac

  • British Herbal Medicine Association (BHMA)  British Herbal Medicines Association (BHMA)was founded in 1964 to advance the science and practice of herbal medicine in the United Kingdom and to ensure its continued statutory recognition.

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