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  • Bimax  Suppliers of Specialty monomers, Surfactants and other Performance chemicals, including acrylates, metacrylates, maleates, allyl monomers, high purity monomers for contact lenses, polymers etc.

  • Bayer in the UK and Ireland  A description of Bayer in the UK/Ireland - products and services, company background and e-mail services for further information.

  • Baxenden Chemicals  Chemical specialists in polyurethane, resins, coatings, flooring, polymers, adhesive, automotive and isocyanates.

  • Avoncroft Associates  Agents for COIM S.p.A., Milan, Italy - Suppliers of thermoplastic polyurethane to UK/Ireland.

  • Avecia  Avecia is one of Europe' s leading Specialty Chemical companies - operating in five business segments, Fine Chemicals, Electronic Materials, Specialty Products, NeoResins and Stahl.

  • Segregation of Free Flowing Particulates  " Segregation of Free Flowing Particulate Materials" , a research project being performed by faculty and students at the Wolfson Center.

  • Notes on Particle Technology  Class notes on particle technology covering topics such as characterization, motion, size reduction, and mechanical separation.

  • Life of Pneumatic Conveyor Bends  " Predictive Model for Determining the Life of Pneumatic Conveyor Bends Subject to Erosive Wear" , a research project being performed by faculty and students at the Wolfson Center

  • Influence of Temperature on Particle Erosion  " The Influence of Temperature and Work Hardening on the Solid Particle Erosion of Steels" , research being conducted by faculty and student at the Wolfson Center

  • Wells Plastics  Wells Plastics is a supplier of additive masterbatch to the plastic industry - range of UV, antioxidants, antimicrobial, antistatic, slip etc.

  • SSH  SSH Limited supply an extensive range of fluorescent brightening agents for textile, industrial and plastics applications, plus enzymes, silicone based softeners, wax emulsions and lubricants.

  • Microfine Minerals  Microfine Minerals Ltd is a supplier of speciality mineral fillers and extenders to the plastics, surface coatings and building products industries.

  • ISCA UK  Specialized suppliers, manufacturers and distributors of a wide range of chemicals for industry.

  • Introduction to Hormone Disrupting Chemicals  These pages provide an introduction to the effects of hormone disrupting chemicals on man and the environment, and the response of government and industry to this problem.

  • Banner Chemicals  Supplier and processor of specialty chemicals and additives. Broad range of solvents.

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