- Dynamic Structures and Reactions
Pages demonstrating the dynamic generation of organic structures and reactions. Mono and disubstituted benzenes and the nitration of such compounds are presented.
- ChemItems/Organic Question Bank
Searchable database of mostly organic chemistry questions which can be downloaded and used for exams or for practice.
- Chemistry Department Home United States Technical Info
Chemistry department at West Valley College in Saratoga, California
- Biochemistry Web Site at UCSB United states Technical Info
Comprehensive course of online biochemistry providing text information and animation on the following sections: amino acids, proteins, ligand binding, haemoglobin, enzymes, nucleic acids, methods, and quizzes.
- Benzylamine United States Technical Info
Provides an elaborate account on product identification, physical data, health hazard data etc.
- Beilstein Information
Beilstein Informations are the developers of the CrossFire System, the world' s leading authority on organic chemical information and Beilstein Abstracts, a web-based graphical interface for the search and display of abstracts.
- Beilstein Dictionary
German to English dictionary of Organic Chemistry terms for users of the Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry.
- AnswerSleuth's Special Focus:Chemistry United States Technical Info
Full searches on Chemistry Topics
- Analyzing NMR spectra
Page written by G. Wiger for practice in using NMR spectra.
- Engines of Creation
A short on-line introduction to molecular modelling. With illustrations and links to pages of related documents.Web version of the Engine of Creation by K.E.Drexler which is devoted to different aspects of the development of molecular nanotechnology and molecular manufacturing.
- Nanotechnology
Results of a study on Atomistic Design and Simulations of Nanoscale Machines and Assembly. With images, MPEG movies and links to related pages.
- Molecular Modeling of Dendrimers
Results of molecular modeling of dendrimers represented by images, MPEG movies and links to related pages.
- Flow Simulations of Metals and Alkanes
MPEG movies demonstrating the results of nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations on the flow and transport properties of metals and petrochemicals.
- Units and Constants
Units and constants that may be helpful for calculations.
- Thermochemistry
Tutorial describing some aspects of thermochemistry: Measuring Enthalpy Changes, Some Important Enthalpy Changes, Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions, Using Hess' Law, Bond Enthalpy, Calculating Mean Bond Enthalpies, etc.
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