- HSCI Labs
HSCI provides repair and calibration services including instrument calibration for torque, pressure, mass, dimensional, electronic and temperature equipment.
- Carbon Black Inc.(USA)
A special Carbon Black company, and for more than 15 years we have been selling just Carbon Black to industrial customers.
- BioConversion Technology
BioConversion Technology provides remediation solutions for treatment in industrial and municipal wastewater sites, combining a unique blend of professional talent in the area of environmental engineering, analytical chemistry, bench-scale treatability science, and wastewater biology.
- Tappi
Journal of the world' s largest professional organization dedicated to the Paper and Pulp Industries.
- Heterocyclic Communications
It seeks to publish preliminary communications and full length research papers containing original high-level research results conveying significant developments on all phases of heterocyclic chemistry including inorganic ring systems.
- What is Molecular Modeling?
A short on-line introduction to molecular modelling. With illustrations and links to pages of related documents.
- Phytochemical & Ethnobotanical databases
Searchable index of plant chemistry and toxicity.
- Complex Carbohydrate Structure Database
Database has 50,043 searchable records listing structures and the citations in which they were published.
- States of Matter
Introduction to the phases of matter. With some information on thermodynamics.
- Solutions
Tutorial on solutions. Covered topics are Properties of solutions, Concentration, Dissolving solids into liquids, Solubility, Colligative properties of solutions, etc.
- Phase Diagram Web
A site contains a collection of scanned phase diagrams for pairs of elements and for some ternary compounds, ceramics, and oxides. With links to pages of related documents.
- Gases
Introduction to gases concerning the following topics: The ideal gas law, The combined gas law, Boyle's law, Gas stoichiometry math, Dalton's law of partial pressures, Grahams law of diffusion, etc.
- Tutorials in Organic Chemistry United States Technical Info
Dictionaries and tutorials for chemists working in organic chemistry laboratories.
- United States Technical Info
This is the most complete guide to the chemical literature(1907-). It covers over 14,000 journals, over 15 million individual abstracts and over 23 million registered substances.
- Organic Chemistry Resources Worldwide United States Technical Info
An intuitive WWW resource guide for synthetic organic chemists Part I. THE LITERATURE
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