- Cumberland Engineering
Design and manufacture a broad range of state-of-the-art size reduction and material recovery systems.
- Enviro Tank Solutions
Providing tanks for numerous chemical uses. IBC tanks, Poly tanks, fiberglass tanks, water tanks, and underground storage tanks.
- Applied Software Technologies
The eRPortal suite of products offers web-based solutions for the manufacturing and distribution industries, Universities, municipalities, that manage operations, shipping logistics, materials procurement, sales and customer relations. Built with 100% XML technology, eRPortal?offers a completely integrated Web-based solution that offers complete control over every aspect of the enterprise. The eRPortal?series includes modular functionality that handles all aspects of customer order fulfillment, inventory management, warehousing, integrated purchasing, work order, production scheduling, and shipping logistics management. Interfacing with industry standard financial systems and sales force automation/contact management software, eRPortal?is fully configurable such that screens, reporting, data entry profiles can be customized per user/department specifications
- DNAjobs.com
Post & Search Biotechnology, Medical, and Life Sciences Jobs and Resumes for Free at DNAjobs.com.
- Safety Strategy Inc.
Provider of Chemical storage buildings, process tanks, chemical storage tanks,hazmat storage and containment products.
- BioJobNet
Dedicated to the biotechnology, pharmaceutical and lifesciences industries. Search jobs by market, post job opportunities, manage resumesand cover letters, apply online and much more.
- Walchem Corporation
Leading manufacturer and supplier of on-line analytical instruments and electronic metering pumps over the last 25 years. Our mission is to provide the integration of sensor, pump and electronic technologies for chemical control.
- PubList Science Chemistry General
Reference for over 150,000 US and international print and electronic publications including magazines, journals, e-journals, newsletters, and monographs.
- Injection Molding Cost Estimator
Periodic Tables providing the classification of the elements by name, reactivity, density, radioactivity, etc. The site includes a variety of constants and equations, sorted by ABC order.This cost estimator allows you to estimate the cost of manufacturing an injection molded part given the approximate geometry and other application details.
- Metalurgic specs and calculators
From Principal Metals, a set of online tools and tables including: property data, weight calc, pipe dimension chart, terms glossary, specifications, and hardness conversion tool.
- CHIEF Equilibrium Vapor Pressure calculator
The CHIEF Equilibrium Vapor Pressure Utility can be used to calculate the equilibrium vapor pressure of for hydrocarbons, organics, and inorganics. The program uses a five coefficient, modified Riedel equation.
- Bioremediation Discussion Group (BioGroup)
The BioGroup Consists of a moderated electronic mailing list serving over 2,200 environmental scientists/engineers worldwide who participate in technical discussions on bioremediation and related topics.
- SilverPlatter
SilverPlatter is a global leader in providing comprehensive and seamlessly integrated database collections of scholarly reference information in electronic form - over the Internet, on campus and corporate Intranets, and on CD-ROM.
- PSA Protein Structure Prediction Server
The Protein Sequence Analysis (PSA) server predicts probable secondary structures and folding classes for a given amino acid sequence
- Tutorial X-Ray Diffraction
Pictorial guide to crystal structures and their Fourier transforms covering the following topics: Real space versus reciprocal space, Convolution theorem, The crystallographic phase problem, Anomalous dispersion, Powder diffraction, etc.
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