- Scorecard
Detailed information on more than 6,800 chemicals, including all the chemicals used in large amounts in the United States. Search by name or CAS number, HTML format.
- Scientific Polymer Products Search United States Technical Info
Searchable database (by CAS number, by catalog number or by product name) providing MSDS for products of Scientific Polymer Products Incorporation.
- ADH Health Products
ADH Health Products specializes in custom formulations and contract manufacturing of dietary supplements and nutritional products.
- Pyridine United States Technical Info
Nepera specification and datasheet for pyridine
- Palatin Technologies
Palatin Technologies Inc. is in the early stages of developing pharmaceutical products and technologies. The Company is concentrating its efforts on the following: MIDAS, peptide technology; PT-141, a drug to treat sexual dysfunction, etc.
- Medicinal Plants For Livestock: Beneficial Or Tox
Answers to some basic questions about the safety and efficacy of some medicinal plants. More plants will be added as information is available.
- Inamco International
Worldwide Leader in Medical Manufacturing & Supplies. Distributing a full line of Hospital & Lab Equipment and Supplies. Manufacturing of Over the Counter Medicines, Vitamins and Supplements.
- Material Safety data sheets at Cornell
Large database of 250,000 Material Safety data sheets at Cornell University, derived from the U.S. Government Department of Defense.
- Material Safety Data Sheets
A searchable Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) database contains 250,000 MSDS files on various compounds.
- Getinge Castle
Swedish medical technology company that holds worldwide leadership positions in the areas of sterilization, disinfection, surgical products, patient handling and hygiene systems.
- Oncogene Science Diagnostics
Oncogene Science, Inc is a research and development organization focused on cancer and oncogenes.
- Eppendorf Scientific
Eppendorf Scientific specializes in products for molecular and cell biology, offering complete product lines for PCR, DNA purification, electroporation, micromanipulation, and molecular biology reagents.
- Enzo
A leading biotechnology company engaged in the research, development, manufacturing and marketing of innovative health care products. Its three business subsidiaries are focused on early diagnosis, prevention and therapeutic treatment of diseases.
- EM Industries Bioprocessing
The Bioprocessing Business Unit serves the diverse needs of the biopharmaceutical industry. We offer specialties such as the patented line of " tentacle" based Fractogelr resins as well as an extensive line of bioprocessing chemicals.
- Antigenics
Antigenics, L.L.C. is a development stage biopharmaceutical company pursuing treatments for patients with cancer, serious infectious diseases and autoimmune disorders.
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