Lecture slides showing the mole concept and its application to calculating empirical and molecular formulas.
Ionic Bonding
Notes on ionic bonding dealing with some aspects of the chemistry of ionic compounds: the nature of ionic bond, enthalpy of the formation of an ionic compound, etc.
Guide Sheet for Moles Problems
Rules that provide ways to solve some moles problems: calculating molar mass, % composition, calculating empirical formula, finding molecular formulas.
Classification of Matter
Diagram for the classification of matter that is based on overall appearance of matter and on chemical and physical methods of matter separation.
Acids and Bases
Notes on acids and bases providing the following topics: General Definitions, Properties, Water Dissociation, pH, Strength of Acids & Bases, Acid & Base Reactions, Titration.
Environmental Research United States Technical Info
Elective designed to offer RVGS students the opportunity to use sophisticated instrumentation and carry out cutting-edge research in one of the many areas of environmental science.
Help Files for Electrochemistry
Brief notes on different topics of electrochemistry: Cell term definitions, Reduction-oxidation reactions, Balancing half reactions, Spontaneity of redox reactions, The Nernst equation, Electrolytic cells, etc.
Development & Delivery of Chemical-Education
Description of the design and use of World-Wide-Web-based educational hypermedia in a senior-level Instrumental Analysis course during Fall 1995.
MathResources for General Chemistry
Resource designed to help the user through general chemistry by focusing on specific math skills. Topics include Stoichiometry, Thermochemistry, Electronic Structure, Solutions, Chemical Kinetics, Chemical Equilibrium, Thermodynamics, etc.
University Science Books
Publishing fine books and textbooks in chemistry, chemical engineering, and the physical sciences.
com Chemicals News
Chemical headlines - general, agricultural, industrial, organic. Executive summaries and US stock information.
Chemical Injury Information Network
Charitable support, advocacy organization for the chemically injured, focuses on education, credible research into Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), and the empowerment of the chemically injured.