- Analytical Atomic Spectrometry Short Course
Course details and registration form for a CPD course on Analytical Atomic Spectrometry to be run at the University of Plymouth,UK,in October 1999.
- MCMC Preprint Service
The MCMC Preprint service maintains and distributes a list of technical reports and papers dealing with Markov Chain Monte Carlo methodology.
- World Database of Crystallographers
Searchable site with access to IUCr database of crystallographic information.
- Web of Science
Basic databases available are Science Citation Index Expanded with Cited References and Author Abstracts (1981- ), Social Sciences Citation Index (1981- ), and Arts & Humanities Citation Index with Cited References (1981- ).
- Selected Physical Properties of Some Solid Materi
Table of selected physical properties (melting point, density, specific enthalpy of fusion, specific heat capacity, linear expansivity, thermal conductivity) of some solid materials.
- SCOP: Structural Classification of Proteins
Searchable database of structural classification of proteins. Contains 10650 Entries.
- Relibase
A program for searching protein-ligand databases using 3-D, 2-D or text strings
- Protein Data Bank
Searchable Protein database (PDB) allows you to search and display macromolecular structure data.
- Pharma Transfer
Pharma-Transfer is a unique database of previously commercially unpublished research projects related to the theme of drug development.
- Pfam: Protein families databas
Pfam is a large collection of multiple sequence alignments and hidden Markov models covering many common protein domains.
A database of Inherited Metabolic Diseases. Diseases can be browsed in sequence or by group (metabolism, transport, storage etc) while Substances can be browsed in sequence or by group.
- Mossbauer Effect Reference Database
Machine-readable version of the bibliographical information published in the Mossbauer Effect Reference And Data Journal. Requires registration.
Database that provides a catalogue and structure-based classification of proteases. A card page describing each protease can be found by use of any of three indexes - by the name, by the MEROPS identifier or by the source organism of the protease.
- Kilcoyne's Glossary
Glossary of 1000 chemistry terms
- IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology
Online version of the IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology corresponds to the second edition, compiled by Alan D. McNaught and Andrew Wilkinson (Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK) and published in print form by Blackwell Science in 1997.
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