- Surfaces
A set of data files that allow you to visualize various surfaces.
- Software for Surface Scientist
A guide to the software tools available for the modelling, analysis and visualisation of surface science data.
- Introduction to Surface Chemistry
Introductory course dealing with the structure and properties of solid surfaces, molecular adsorption, surface spectroscopy and surface imaging.
- Summer Course on NMR
Course of four lectures on NMR covering the following topics: Quantum Mechanics, Product Operators, 2D NMR and Coherence Selection. PDF format.
- Spin Population Excess United States Technical Info
Tutorial that describes the relative populations of spin up versus spin down states in spin I=1/2 particles
- Spectroscopy Problems Using Chemical Mime Types Jamaica Technical Info
Index of JCAMP-DX spectral files. Examples of different types of spectral data can be displayed by selecting from the different list boxes.
- NMR Spectroscopy Principles and Application
Lecture notes in NMR spectroscopy and information sources links are hosted on this site.
- Mass Spec Calibration Compounds and Spectra
Provides the data available on the most common calibration compounds in various mass spec techniques including low resolution, high resolution, Electron Impact, Chemical Ionization and Negative Ion Mass Spectrometry.
- Kevin Cowtan's Book of Fourier
Pictorial 2-d Fourier Transforms that are particularly relevant to X-ray crystallography, but of interest to anyone involved in signal processing or frequency domain calculations.
- John Huggins Mass Spectrometry
Introduction providing insight into basic principles of mass spectrometry. With illustrations, examples of mass spectra and glossary of terms.
- Fragment Finder United States Technical Info
Fragment Finder finds the possible formulae that match a given molar mass. Then the M+1 and M+2 ratios and the exact masses of each of the possible fragments is calculated.
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy at Aberys
Full description of this technique, methodology and applications.
- Fixed Molecule Photoelectron Angular Distributions
GIF, MPEG and QuickTime movies demonstrating, for various molecular photoionization processes, the calculated variation of Photoelectron Angular Distribution (or PAD) with photoelectron kinetic energy.
- Chemometrics at Aberystwyth
Website giving brief details of the Chemometrics research being undertaken at the University of Wales. Includes also links to the University' s Pyrolysis Mass Spectrometry, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Raman Spectroscopy pages.
This page has a detailed description of ASSASSIN (A Semi-automatic Structural Assignment System Specialising In Nmr).
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