- Nickel (II) Complexes
An on-line resource demonstrating the geometry of transition metal complexes. Factors that affect the structure of a complex and methods of structure determination are considered. With QuickTime movies.
- Iron and its Compounds
Information on iron and its compounds. Topics include industrial production, chemical reactions.
- Ionic Liquids
Introduction to ionic liquids considering the following topics: Terminology, Solvation and Solvolysis, High-Temperature Ionic Liquids, Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids, Ionic Liquids for Clean Catalysis.
- Inorganic Reactions in the Water Supply United States Technical Info
Tutorial presenting the chemistry related to freshwater quality. Chemistry of acid rains and water hardness is explained.
- Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms
Information on inorganic reaction mechanisms with emphasis on the reaction mechanisms of main group inorganic chemistry.
- Inorganic Qualitative Analysis
A note written by J. Huggins describes tests for common cautions and anions in solution.
- Richard Lambert
Results of investigations of Prof. Richard Lambert' s work group in the field of the structure and reactivity of solid surfaces with particular reference to heterogeneous catalysis. Some images of the surfaces are presented.
- Brian Johnson
Chemical and physical properties of small metal particles of less than 100 _ are at present under intense investigation within Prof. B. Johnson and his group. The new results of their investigations are presented.
- Nichols
Research interests of Dr. R.J.Nichols lie in the field of Electrochemical Surface Science, with emphasis on molecular and atomic scale descriptions of electrified interfaces, in-situ spectroscopies and modern imaging techniques.
- Jeremy Rawson
Description of main achievements in inorganic chemistry by Dr. Jeremy Rawson. His research interests presently include molecular magnetic materials, molecular wires and biologically active compounds.
- Dominic Wright
Research interests of Dr. Dominic Wright concentrate on the development of targeted syntheses of large inorganic molecules, particularly those containing mixed-metal compositions.
- Gondar Design Chemistry
The basics of pH, organic and inorganic chemistry, chromatography and catalysis.
- General Chemistry: Selected Principles
Resource for 14-16 year old students concerning with the following topics: Structure and Bonding, Chemical Energetics, Rates of Reactions, Acids & Bases, Redox Reactions, Electrolysis, etc.
- Raval' s group Home Page
Research interests of Dr. Raval' s group that lie in the field of building of complex catalytic sites at surfaces, catalysis on defined metallic nanoclusters, molecular reconstruction of metal surfaces, molecular structure, etc.
- Constants
List of constants ordered alphabetically. Links to pages with more information on constants, such as how it is defined and who derived it.
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