- EnAnalize
Performs standard statistical and spectral analyses of electrochemical noise time records.
- Electrode Kinetics
Relationships between the rate of electron transfer reaction at the electrode surface and the applied voltage. The terms reversible and irreversible in the context of electrolysis reactions are introduced.
- Chemistry Forum
A major new web resource for electrochemists that brings together the pick of ChemWeb.com, focusing only on electrochemistry and includes databases, full-text journals, topical news, jobs and conferences.
- Electrical Double Layer
Short illustrated description of two models (the model of Helmholtz and the model of Stern) of electrical double layer.
- Cyclic Voltammetry The study of Chemical Reaction
Considers the application of cyclic voltammetry to study the chemical reactivity of a species.
- Cyclic Voltammetry
Two closely related forms of voltammetry (linear sweep voltammetry and cyclic voltammetry) which differ the voltage scan rate are discussed.
- Automated Simulation of Electrode Processes
Automated simulation of the transport-limited electrolysis in a channel flow-cell by the Multigrid method. Used to compute the working-curve for the transport-limited current within the Leveque approximation.
- AC Cyclic Voltammetry
Tutorial on the structure and diffraction properties of perovskites which are layered oxides built up from perovoskite-type slabs interleaved by layers of alkali metal or alkaline earth metal cations. With diagrams and images.Discusses the effect a small sinusoidal voltage perturbation in addition to the usual cyclic voltammetry waveform.
- Purospher RP-18 e
PowerPoint presentation describing the use of Purospher (a highly purified silica) in HPLC.
- Chromatography Introductory Theory
Main principles of chromatography theory. With illustrations, and links to pages of related documents.
- Normal Modes
Animation demonstrating the lowest normal mode of the complex of H2BF with formaldehyde.
- Molecular Animations with Re View
Molecular animations / simulations, covering conformational analyses, reactions, vibrations, etc. Both animations and multistructure XYZ files are provided, enabling movies or '4D'-simulations to be viewed.
- Hyperactive Molecules
Images of molecules from servers around the world which can be viewed interactively. If you want to view a molecule just click on the placeholder icon.
- CrystalMaker Software
Provides graphics, videos, software, library and other information concerning structure of crystals.
- CAChe Computer Aided Chemistry
Description of how this product helps unite calculations and visualization into a single workstation
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