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  • Gideon Analytical Laboratories  Gideon supplies services to the electronic industry in the form of failure analysis on components, PCBs, process evaluations and analysis with instrumentation, and related areas on materials, incoming inspection, qualification or assessment.

  • Datapoint Testing Services  A high-tech laboratory meeting the plastics and rubber industries' growing need for sophisticated physical properties testing. We perform measurements of thermodynamic, kinetic, and transport phenomena.

  • D/L Laboratories  A leading independent testing and consulting laboratory specializing in providing services to the coatings, sealants and waterproofing industries.

  • Chromatography  Mickey Mouse and Thumper the BioTech Bunny presents a little information on chromatographic separation. Including equipment information, operation, how to read a chromatogram and information on the different types of Chromatography.

  • Charles River Laboratories  Leading provider of animal research models, as well as a range of biomedical products and outsourcing services, for use in the discovery, development and testing of new pharmaceuticals.

  • American Environments  Environments offers independent engineering and testing services supported with environmental, dynamic, and electromagnetic facilities. Expertise in qualification and compliance testing in accordance with domestic and international standards.

  • Aero Nav Laboratories  Aero Nav Laboratories, is a professionally staffed laboratory providing specialized services in environmental simulation testing for military, commercial, industrial, automotive and medical requirements.

  • Advanced Plastic and Material Testing  Full service materials testing laboratory offering competitive pricing and delivery of failure analysis, engineering, and certification services.

  • Wiley & Sons  John Wiley & Sons, Inc., develops, publishes, and sells products in print and electronic media for the educational, professional, scientific, technical, medical, and consumer markets worldwide.

  • Pro-Active Translations  Pro-Active Translations specializes in language translations of BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE subject matter, and provides the highest quality services to multinational companies in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry.

  • Scorecard  Provides accessible information about pollution sources and potential health effects to the general public (covers all chemical manufacturing firms reporting to TRI); provides detailed chemical profiles.

  • com  RightFreight -leading internet-based airfreight solutions-provides complete, end-to-end logistics management services for the freight shipper, freight forwarder, and carrier.

  • com  GoCargo.com is a neutral exchange manager. Provider of objective and trustworthy solution for buying and selling container shipping services.

  • com  Wireless FDA Intranet. A stand alone intranet with over 34,000 electronic files from FDA. Updated monthly, it runs from any hard drive (laptop to server).

  •  Provides quality and environmental management systems registration to ISO 9000, ISO 14001, QS-9000.

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