Nylon 6 Polycaproamide Production
Nylon 6 fibers for use in woven fabric, carpet, tire cord, and fishing line are produced by extruding molten polymer through spinnerets and stretching the fibers to their final thickness and weight.
Alken Clear-Flo microbial waste degraders, bioremediation, aquatic restoration, septic and drainline treatments, fuel treatments, odor control, cooling tower & boiler water treatment chemicals, etc.
Gas Conditioning
Waste Management of North America (WMNA) started generating electrical power from its landfill gas to electric facility at Omega Hills Landfill in Germantown, Wisconsin, during December, 1985.
Stearns & Wheler
Stearns & Wheler has provided a complete range of engineering and scientific services to industrial and municipal clients since 1950.
Ethylene Processing: Dilution Steam System
Surveys of the Dilution Steam System have indicated these problems occur when significant quantities of pyrolysis gasoline (hydrocarbons) are carried over from the Quench Water system Oil-Water separator.
Ecology & Environment
Specialists in more than 75 scientific disciplines provide a broad range of environmental consulting services.
Solucorp. Industries Ltd. develops and markets solutions for the remediation of hazardous heavy metal and mercury spills. The Company also operates an environmental training and consulting business.
Reach Associates
Reach Associates, Inc. is a full service environmental management, engineering and consulting company committed to providing responsive, high quality and cost effective services.
Toxics Targeting
Provides environmental database searches for engineers, consultants and homebuyers in New York state. Leaking tanks, dumps and pollution hazards mapped/profiled.
HazMat Group
Specializing in hazardous waste management, consulting, training and transportation.
EnviroTrac is an environmental consulting and contracting firm experienced in a wide range of site assessment and remediation projects.
Leading-edge technologies and services for the destruction of hazardous wastes and chemical weapons, and the separation and recovery of materials from waste streams.
InteGreyted Consultants
InteGreyted Consultants, LLC is a full-service environmental, health and safety consulting firm. We serve the regulated community including major corporations, public utilities, institutions, municipalities and small businesses.
Roux and Associates
Recognized as one of the country' s premier environmental consulting & management firms.
PW Grosser consulting
Air quality services that include: Title V permit, minor source registration, air emission inventory, indoor air quality, air sampling, risk assessment, air exemptions/trivial activities, landfill gas emission control, wastewater odor control.