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  • Nylon 6 Polycaproamide Production  Nylon 6 fibers for use in woven fabric, carpet, tire cord, and fishing line are produced by extruding molten polymer through spinnerets and stretching the fibers to their final thickness and weight.

  • Alken-Murray  Alken Clear-Flo microbial waste degraders, bioremediation, aquatic restoration, septic and drainline treatments, fuel treatments, odor control, cooling tower & boiler water treatment chemicals, etc.

  • Gas Conditioning  Waste Management of North America (WMNA) started generating electrical power from its landfill gas to electric facility at Omega Hills Landfill in Germantown, Wisconsin, during December, 1985.

  • Stearns & Wheler  Stearns & Wheler has provided a complete range of engineering and scientific services to industrial and municipal clients since 1950.

  • Ethylene Processing: Dilution Steam System  Surveys of the Dilution Steam System have indicated these problems occur when significant quantities of pyrolysis gasoline (hydrocarbons) are carried over from the Quench Water system Oil-Water separator.

  • Ecology & Environment  Specialists in more than 75 scientific disciplines provide a broad range of environmental consulting services.

  • Industries  Solucorp. Industries Ltd. develops and markets solutions for the remediation of hazardous heavy metal and mercury spills. The Company also operates an environmental training and consulting business.

  • Reach Associates  Reach Associates, Inc. is a full service environmental management, engineering and consulting company committed to providing responsive, high quality and cost effective services.

  • Toxics Targeting  Provides environmental database searches for engineers, consultants and homebuyers in New York state. Leaking tanks, dumps and pollution hazards mapped/profiled.

  • HazMat Group  Specializing in hazardous waste management, consulting, training and transportation.

  • EnviroTrac  EnviroTrac is an environmental consulting and contracting firm experienced in a wide range of site assessment and remediation projects.

  • Commodore  Leading-edge technologies and services for the destruction of hazardous wastes and chemical weapons, and the separation and recovery of materials from waste streams.

  • InteGreyted Consultants  InteGreyted Consultants, LLC is a full-service environmental, health and safety consulting firm. We serve the regulated community including major corporations, public utilities, institutions, municipalities and small businesses.

  • Roux and Associates  Recognized as one of the country' s premier environmental consulting & management firms.

  • PW Grosser consulting  Air quality services that include: Title V permit, minor source registration, air emission inventory, indoor air quality, air sampling, risk assessment, air exemptions/trivial activities, landfill gas emission control, wastewater odor control.

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